Homemade English Muffins

The other day I was making some of Mark Bittman's whole wheat sandwich bread from How to Make Everything, and I realized that the same recipe of dough makes English muffins. We were undecided about what to have for dinner, so I thought maybe a sort of homemade egg McMuffin would be fun. I let the dough rise for hours, deflated the dough, and cut it into 12 pieces. I flattened them into little discs.

Then I spread some cornmeal on a skillet set on low heat and cooked them in batches.

I made sure they were lightly browned (about 15 minutes).

Then we cooked up some bacon and eggs and served it with spinach. I have long fantasized about homemade breakfast sandwiches that are not greasy, but just as delicious as fast food versions, and this really lived up to expectations- especially with some hot sauce and sea salt sprinkled on the eggs.

Then we had quite a bit of English muffins leftover. I wasn't sure we'd be able to finish them in time for them to still be fresh, so I had the idea of English muffin mini pizzas. It turns out Hannaford has these very cool pre-cut pizza toppings. It is fun because you can get a variety of toppings without  committing to any too much.

I melted the toppings on the English muffins under the broiler. That pickled asparagus on the salad is from Shaker Mtn Canning Co. and is very delicious. These turned out great - a dinner a 5 year old could love!

Two dinners based on one recipe of English muffins. Who ever knew they were so easy and delicious to make at home?


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