Jacqueline Lynch, Albany Photographer

Hard to believe we got married already a year ago! J & S Watkins supplied us with a free anniversary cake which was included in the cost of our wedding cake. And Jacqueline Lynch came over to take anniversary photos of us (check them out on her blog). She is the best. She strives for creative, interesting photos, and she is much more reasonable that the other options in the area for wedding photos. Check out all her fabulous photos of our wedding here. My sister loved her so much that she wish Jacqueline could go all the way to Michigan for her wedding. Jacqueline said she likes to keep her prices reasonable because she likes the interesting type of bride that attracts. I think she is a great photographer. I read her blog a lot, and like to view all of her different projects.

I feel that good photography is worth the price. Sure, it can be expensive, but most photographers are running small businesses and have to keep up with the cost of equipment. Also, if you don't take matters into your own hands, you end up with just photos you have taken yourself, out of focus photos (see here the last photo I have with my grandmother and it is out of focus!!), and lacking photos of important events. Sure, my mom and grandmother took a ton of pictures of us growing up, but many of them are too dark, and worse than that are on polaroids - which start to deteriorate pretty much the moment you take them and do so even in a box with no exposure to light at all. I admit that candid photos can be fun, but one day you might be on the look out for a nice photo of you and your spouse or with your family and not be able to find one that is worth saving. One day we might want to look back on our first wedding anniversary, and lucky for us we will have these lovely photos.

 I think you should think about hiring her for all your photography needs! Also, a photo of our wedding is on her business cards that she puts up all over town, and that was pretty funny. Now, we are planning to continue this anniversary celebration by taking the party on over to Provence.

(Photos by Jacqueline Lynch Photography)


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