TWD, Baking with Julia: Irish Soda Bread

As part of Tuesdays with Dorie using the book Baking with Julia I made Irish soda bread. Check out the discussion about the recipe here. You can read the recipe here. Here's mine:

And served with bacon, eggs, and salad:

Here is what I thought about the recipe:

  • It was super easy, took about an hour to make, and has little fat in it. All wins. Mark Bittman has a yeast bread recipe that just rises while the oven preheats, and I never thought it was that great of a recipe since it did not have time to develop. With this soda bread it isn't like you are hurrying it along, it is just meant to not take that much time to make.
  • We love buttermilk (like in buttermilk poundcake!) and we are always looking for ways to use leftover buttermilk. We think it adds a good flavor without a lot of fat. Next time I have 2 extra cups of buttermilk I will just make this.
  • The recipe says it is only good for a few hours, but I made mine on Sunday and it was still good for breakfast this morning. My husband said most bread isn't good after a day or two anyway, so he thought that was pretty normal.
  •  Somewhere online I saw some Irish soda bread muffins. This seems like a good idea. You could freeze them and defrost them for breakfast throughout the week. 
Overall, great recipe. For sure the easiest one from the book so far.

Check out all the other baker's loaves here!


  1. Such a yummy recipe!
    I made mine with dried fruit and loved it.
    Great to be part of TWD!

  2. Sometimes, easy is nice, isn't it?
    I thought the leftovers were okay the next morning as well. Not sure why they gave it such a short shelf life in the book.

  3. I'll have to try the dried fruit with it next time. I have some currants that might be great with some orange zest. Also herbs mixed in or sea salt on top could be good.

  4. I like the idea of muffins. Your bread looks great.

  5. The muffin idea would be pretty low fat and not sugary unlike most muffin recipes, but still portable and easy to eat for breakfast. Thank you!

  6. Looks great.

    ~ Carmen

  7. Irish soda Muffins would be a grand idea- & they freeze so nicely. Your bread looks very nice- we enjoyed this simply prepared recipe.

  8. I love your point about this being quick and easy naturally! It is so true. I feel the same about low cal, low fat, gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, etc.... when you find recipes that naturally fit these categories those are the brilliant ones worth making again and again.

  9. totally! my mom was always big on fat free cheese, and I think "just don't eat cheese!". "Can't believe its not butter?" "I can!!"


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