Repurposing Pollan

Most foodies have heard of Michael Pollan's dictum: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Even better is that it inspired this riff by the Awl, which hopes that applying calorie disclosure requirements to alcoholic beverages will work against the "ice cream, chocolate syrup and a spritz of Vodka/peach schnapps" drinks that chain restaurants try to pass off as "cocktails":
Drink alcohol. Quite a bit. Mostly bourbon.
Indeed. Now, if we can just get the FDA to prevent the abomination of drinks with vodka in them being called "martinis," we'll really have something...


  1. I agree with that. Half the things on restaurant cocktail menus should really just be on the dessert menu.. same with Starbucks... sure coffee has health benefits, but that chocolate milkshake with whipped cream, almond shavings, and dulce de leche syrup you are having at 7am isn't all of a sudden healthy because it has a shot of espresso in it.

  2. On a slightly tangential note, this reminds me that when we went to the rehearsal dinner restaurant in Poughkeepsie last weekend, I ordered a martini at the bar as we waited for Katie's parents. I'm glad I watched the bartender because she didn't put any vermouth in it. I had to tell her to do so and she was shocked that I wanted it. My opinion about the future of this country declined at that moment.

  3. That is crazy!! Isn't the martini supposed to be like the most famous cocktail? But no, can I put some chocolate syrup in that for you?? Bubblegum infused vodka? What? Martinis are not even complicated.. it's a whole lot less ingredients than a Mai Tai.

  4. Haha this is the first I am hearing of that drink... Maybe we will make some in honor of you! I will say that I have on occasion made the totally undergrad-ish drink the Mudslide, but I am aware that it is a dessert in a glass.

  5. I think we will have to do a post on Flirtinis now.

  6. If there was a hate button I would click it for the flirtini comment.

  7. Erik--we can at least show you some real bartenders in the capital region.

    Even worse is the time in Calgary when I tried to order a Manhattan, and after the second time I tried to explain it to the server/bartender she came back and asked how much Grand Marnier was in it.

  8. Scott, that place was a World Class Sports and Entertainment Venue!!! But I think it was an unspoken thing that the only actual choice was beer.

  9. The flirtini is now my signature wedding drink. You all have so much to look forward to on 6/25!

  10. Grand Marnier in a Manhattan... Was this a drink invented in Manhattan, Kansas? The KSU special!


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