Parties where you sell things

Sometimes my boss and I sit around and try to come up with ways to make more money. Yesterday we thought Etsy was a good idea. Today we started talking about all these parties you can have where you sell things. I never knew about half of these.

Anyone have any thoughts on these? Does anyone actually make money or is it all a way for these companies to infiltrate your social circles and make your friends guilted into buying things from you? 


  1. I had a coworker that did one of these things on the side. She sold Silpada jewelry. I went to one of the parties at her house, and it wasn't too bad. It was mostly a regular social gathering, but there was a table of jewelry set up off to one side that we could look at if we wanted. I did end up buying a pair of earrings; it was partly out of guilt and partly because I liked them.


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