Frozen Yogurt at Crossgates Mall

As part of my Treat Yo'Self this afternoon I checked out Yeh! Yogurt in Crossgates Mall. This may be the first time in the history of this blog that I have genuinely disliked something. Ugh! It was like ice milk - grainy with a viscous texture and cloying flavors. I tried the cheesecake and vanilla flavored yogurt. Toppings were alright, but there is no getting around the yogurt tastes bad. I don't say Yeh! I say Nay! Yogurt. Check out Kristi ranks the area's frozen yogurt shops! About Yeh! Yogurt Kristi says: "It tastes similar to ice milk with little flavor and even less creaminess."

Much better I think is the Yo D. Sert near the movie theatre. I am pretty sure that one seemed way more reasonably priced, but you'd have to compare directly to know for sure. Tour de Crossgates Yogurt - Daniel!


  1. "Yeh! Yogurt"? Did they mean "Yay! Yogurt" or maybe "Yeah! Yogurt"?

    Maybe there were trademarks registered for all those already?

  2. Dantes in downtown Troy is really yummy if you are in the area.


  3. You want me to do a tour of things that are bad? That's crazy talk. Besides, you and me, we've got Manhattans to drink and Trader Joe's to discuss. I also vaguely recall some conversation about a meal at Hooters. How about this, when we clear the slate of pending projects, we can start tacking on some new ones. ;^)

    Seriously, let's talk over email and get these scheduled. My calendar is finally starting to clear up, and it's time for me to start catching up on tabled projects.


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