Squash and Squash and Squash

A couple weeks ago I was at The Berry Patch in Stephentown looking at produce. They had 18 different kinds of delicious looking squash, and the nice farmer lady, Dale, told me I should try them all and blog about my comparisons between all the different types. Well, that was a great idea, but I have to say I'm not sure I can eat enough to keep up. I bought this beautiful Blue Hubbard from them at the farm store and then went on to buy an acorn and a butternut from them at the Troy Farmer's Market a couple weeks later, and just this first one alone created 10 portions of soup. Isn't it a beautiful squash? I had never really heard of a Blue Hubbard before, and it is so delicious. It has a really unique flavor - not too sweet like some other ones. It took me like an entire Saturday night to carve it on up.

I was talking on the phone to my mom for a very long time and at the end she said "That must be a whole lot of squash!" It was. I measured it - 6 pounds worth! Do you think its funny I spent a Saturday night talking on the phone to my mother? Yeah, just like this girl

The soup I made it all into turned out great. Want the recipe? It is from the New York Times Essential Cookbook with some changes I've made.

Squash Cider Soup

Heat a medium saucepan over low heat. Add one sliced shallot, one minced clove garlic, and 1/4 cup water and cook until the shallot and garlic are softened. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Add three cups peeled, seeded and cubed squash and enough chicken broth to cover the squash. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until the squash is soft probably like 20-40 minutes.

I use the immersion blender to puree it, and that works great. Puree it all and then add 3/4 cup apple cider 1/4 cup sour cream, and 1/2 teaspoon salt, and blend until well combined. Top with more salt and pepper, and if it seems bland, maybe a splash of champagne vinegar.

Delicious! And very healthy.

This weekend we also visited the oldest winery in the country, Brotherhood Winery. Their wines are all very solid, and the space is beautiful. We brought home a bottle of their Dry Reisling and a bottle of Blanc de Blanc for our friends who were hosting a Halloween party. Fall fun all around!


  1. Oooh I was thinking of growing blue hubbards next year! So pretty. Was the flavor different from the other squash varieties?

    KK @ Preppy Pink Crocodile

  2. Your soup looks delicious! Makes me want to try your recipe!

  3. KK- yes! I would say that butternut has a much sweeter, richer taste, but the Blue Hubbard is tasty in its own way. It was funny to make the same recipe with different types of squash and have it come out tasting so different.


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